Tech career

Job Prospects vs. Personal Passion in Tech Career

There is a recent trend among students to choose a career based on the number of job opportunities in a particular field. It is understandable for a student who is just about to step into their first job to choose…

Fresher Salaries

The Misleading Comparison of Fresher Salaries and Blue-Collar Incomes

Every year, I see countless posts comparing fresher salaries in the tech industry to incomes from blue-collar jobs.  These comparisons often paint a bleak picture for new grads, making them question the value of their hard-earned degrees. Are we really…

Reality of US student visas

The Reality of US Student Visas: What You Need to Know

It is hard to argue with the fact that studying in the US is a dream of many students—quality education, multicultural environment, and job opportunities. However, the process of getting US student visas and then getting a job and possibly…

Why continuous feedback matters more

Why Continuous Feedback Matters More Than Annual Reviews

Timing and frequency of employee reviews and appraisals greatly impact their performance. While annual reviews have been the norm in traditional enterprises, some prefer continuous feedback. At CodeQuotient, we realised that continuous feedback is more impactful than just conducting annual…

Navigating Industry-Academia

Navigating the Industry-Academia Gap and Protecting Your Future

Deceptive practices are a troubling reality in today's education landscape. A major cause of this is the persistent gap between industry needs and academic preparation. The National Employability Report 2021 shows that only 45.9% of engineering graduates are employable.  This…

Understanding unhirables

Unhirables: Understanding What and Who They Are

Have you ever had a case when you have known some fresh tech graduates who have a clear understanding of the subject and perfect skills but still struggle to get their dream jobs? It is a common scenario that's all…

Strategy vs execution

Strategy vs Execution: Finding the Right Balance

"Strategy without execution is like a sports car with no fuel; it may look good, but it won't go anywhere."  I think for businesses in 2024, especially Startups, the balance between strategy and execution is imperative. Some believe the idea…

Unpaid Internship

Are Unpaid Internships Fair, Necessary, Or Just Exploitative?

An old saying goes, 'Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first and the lesson afterward.' Any discourse around unpaid internships must begin with the above understanding. Every year, as the placement season rolls in, I see…

Future of coding

What I Tell New Grads About the Future of Coding in the Era of AI

In 2024, artificial intelligence will become not just an assistant but a catalyst for innovation. And with that, the question of its role in coding careers becomes increasingly pertinent. A recent study predicts that AI could automate up to 30%…

fluency in english

Why Your Fluency in English Shouldn’t Define Your Career Potential

In the wise words of Nelson Mandela, "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” As the Founder &…


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