
How CQ-SEP Prepares Students for Software Engineering’s Changing World

The field of software engineering is constantly evolving, and professionals must keep up with new trends and technologies to stay competitive. Students must acquire new skills and knowledge to succeed in this industry, but traditional university programs might not always…


Python vs Java Internships: Suitability for aspiring Software Developers in 2024

Choosing the correct programming language to focus on as a software developer is critical. Python and Java are the most widely used programming languages, offering unique benefits. Assessing these advantages is important to make an informed choice in 2024. However,…


Infosys Internship Program: All You Need to Know About Infosys Instep

YInfosys is a leading global technology company that provides a range of consulting, technology, and outsourcing services to clients worldwide. The company has an excellent reputation for delivering high-quality employee training and development opportunities, and the Infosys internship program is…

What students can expect from their first Software Development

What Can Students Expect From Their First Software Development Internship?

What you learn in your academic courses is limited compared to internship programs. I experienced it when I completed my major in Computer Science and joined a firm for my software development internship. My internship journey started around a year…


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