
Is Hybrid Work Model the Right Approach for Software Development Startups?

During a global lockdown, the world had to experiment and transition quickly to a new work arrangement, forcing many startups to redirect and redefine themselves. Remote working and work from home policies were the outcomes. However, the nature of some…


How to Prepare Our Students for the Workplace

As educators, how to prepare our students sufficiently for the enigma that is the future of work? By the time today's youngsters enter the workforce, their occupations and careers will have moved much ahead due to emerging technologies. Our responsibility…


Software Engineer Onboarding Checklist

Onboarding process is necessary for all new hires as it helps them in understanding your company’s culture better and makes them feel upbeat to succeed in their new role. Even if new hires have experience with technology, your IT Team…


How AI Is Revolutionising Recruitment and 3 Best Recruitment Tools

AI (Artificial Intelligence) has often been accused of posing a persistent threat to human jobs. But do you know that AI help HR managers in recruitment? More often than not, human growth and technological development have gone hand in hand…


Why Project-Based Learning Will Help You Secure a Job Faster

It has been quite some time now, that employers have begun valuing skills over degrees. For instance, browsing through the job postings of Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon, you’ll see a plethora of roles that state ‘experience in …’ as…


Welcome a Supervisor/Manager Through Email (New Hire)

Subject- Welcome Aboard [Employee’s Name]! Hi Mr/Mrs [Employee’s Name] On behalf of our team, I would like to say that we’re thrilled to have you as our new [job position]. I’ll be your Reporting Manager. I’m sure someone with your…


Is Networking as a Tech Recruiter Career-Must or Overrated?

Networking is a useful skill just ask recruiters about how it has helped them land some of their best hires and they will have enough evidence to support their claim. It is considered to be the ‘holy-grail of recruitment’. On…


Seven Hiring Strategies to Close Tech Roles Quickly

Being a recruiter, you know that a challenge is up ahead when you are tasked to fill up tech roles quickly. There's no denying that the battle for qualified individuals is high in today's market, especially for tech talent. However,…


New Employee Introduction Email To Clients

When a client’s essential point of contact or a key team member who is in straight contact with the client changes, it’s necessary to send a new employee introduction email to clients. It will help in clearing any gaps in…


How Much Does a Software Developer Make?

The pandemic has spurred a digital transformation race. As a result, industries fight for tech talent and are ready to offer enormous sums to win top-notch software engineers. After all, developers and software engineers will write the codes of the…


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