Who Can Become a SuperCoder?

If you're eager to be a more than average software engineer and are determined to build amazing stuff on the web, then SuperCoder may be right for you. CodeQuotient's Software Engineering Bootcamp has recently been creating a buzz in the…


How to Start Preparing for Placements from your Early Graduation Days?

Are you a college student who's graduating soon and worried about placements? Don't worry! With the right preparation and guidance, you can easily ace your placements and ensure you get the job of your dreams. This article will explore how…


Full Stack Development Roadmap 2023

Are you looking for a helpful Full Stack Development Roadmap? We've created the Ultimate Full Stack Development Roadmap 2023, which benchmarks dozens of modern programming languages, making it easier to find the best programming language to learn and focus on.…

Best Tech Companies to Work for in India in 2023

Though last year has been quite stressful for job seekers and recruiters alike, the recruitment scenario is seeing a lot of positive traction in the previous few months. Hiring never moved to a standstill, and businesses have quickly adopted newer…


Why Do Leading IT Companies Have Entrance Tests?

Assessment tests are a standard recruiting procedure in the tech industry. As a fresher IT developer, you will need to clear the tests to proceed to the next screening rounds. But if you are wondering why the leading IT companies…


What Is Clean Code? & Why Should You Care?

Clean is anything that's simple, direct & easy to understand. Clean code is a word with varying definitions but they all share a similar understanding.  Robert C. Martin wrote the book Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship where…


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