
Last-minute interviews can be daunting and equally opportune. Daunting because they come literally in minutes. You’ve got significantly less time to centre yourself and prepare; opportune because you can cast an impression of a promising candidate to the hiring manager eager to hire you right away! Continue reading to learn how to handle last-minute interview preps with some tips.

Have enough time to prepare for your coding interview? Read: Seven Interview Skills That Can Get You Hired 

Hack Your Coding Interview: 9 Tips You Need to Know


These tips will help you tackle any last-minute coding interview:

1. Brush up on company values 

A simple hack to prepare for your coding interview is to understand the company’s values. First, go to the company’s website and closely read the “About Us” section.

An unquantifiable benefit is a deep understanding of the company’s values, such as with whom you are interviewing. It will put you in a frame of mind to ace the interview.

Once you have a thorough understanding of the company’s values, see how your value system and aspirations align. Then, when they ask the dreaded: “Why do you want to work here?” question, you will have your answer ready.

It will be apparent to the interviewer that you have done your homework. This will enable them to visualise you as a team member better.

2. Brush up on your process 

Take a second and organise your coding process stepwise. Even better, write it down. Perhaps you already have a reasonably firm grasp on your workflow; even so, write it down and refresh your memory.

In case you are still in the process of understanding your process, don’t be intimidated by this point. This is a great exercise to understand yourself as a coder and will be sure to impress your interviewer.

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Furthermore, your confidence will increase when the technical questions start and you showcase a strong grasp of the workflow.

Read: How To Groom Your Students To Crack Job Interviews

3. Do some quick research 

Our generation is blessed with the internet. As a coder, you probably understand the power of information technology better than anyone else.

So do yourself a favour and search on the net for some frequently asked interview questions. Remember, it’s always best to be two steps ahead.

Chances are, if you have already anticipated the question, you are more likely to have an answer prepared. This will save you from awkward silences and pressure.

Job search websites like Glassdoor and LinkedIn have a database of such questions, so you need not go too far in your hunt for coding interview FAQs.

4. Make an excellent first impression 

Okay, you have heard this one before. Half your job is done if you can impress the interviewer with your energy as soon as you walk in. But, on the other hand, no matter how good you are at coding, you are unlikely to get hired if you come across as sloppy or rude.

5. Be on time 

We cannot stress this enough: Don’t. Be. Late.

You may have left your interview prep for the last minute, but now that you have remembered, make sure you control all events leading up to it.

For instance, check your route, make sure you anticipate traffic and leave early. Brief yourself on the layout of the building and find out exactly where you need to reach.

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Call your contact at the company ten minutes before you reach if you need directions. If you’re driving, figure out parking beforehand. Do what you must, but be on time. Be ten minutes early.

6. Dress sharp 

No, don’t dress for a wedding but wear clean, ironed clothes. If you are aware of the work culture at the company, try to dress two notches above what you expect people to be wearing at the office.

If confused, stick to formals. Remember, this will probably be the best you will ever dress in that job, so bring out your A Game.

7. Open with a smile 

Walk through the doors with confidence and a pleasant smile on your face. This might sound easy, but you need to prepare yourself for this mentally.

Make sure to take a few deep breaths before you enter. Leave your day’s troubles at the door. The interviewers don’t need to know about your last-minute panic. Instead, they need to see a well dressed, confident individual who has a firm grasp of the subject.

Read: Success Story! How CodeQuotient Helped Hritesh Dwivedi Crack His Dream Job Interview

8. Review your application

Frequently in the rush of sending resumes during our job hunts, we forget to review our resumes and CVs. Therefore, go over the application you sent to this particular company.

You should be prepared with a justification for all the intricate details. An unexplained gap in your CV? Proficiency in software you no longer use? Have all your answers ready.

Moreover, there is always a chance that you sent this company an older version of your resume. Therefore carry a printout of your updated resume regardless.

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9. Your most recent project 

While reviewing your resume, prepare an answer for “What was your experience like.” Since this item of work ex will be right at the top, you are most likely to get asked about it.

Since it is your most recent project, you are also least likely to benefit from hindsight to help you with your answer. Thus, think this one through.

Read: How To Scan The Right Tech Talent From CVs

Lastly, remember never to bad-mouth any former employer or institution. It gives off an impression of resentment, throwing you in a negative light.

Instead, try your best to turn negative experiences into opportunities for growth and learning. To get a deeper insight into the various ways you can prepare for coding interviews, bookmark the CodeQuotient blog. And, if you want to deepen your skill set in software development, get in touch with us.

CodeQuotient wishes you the very best in your job search!

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