
Unlike masters of specialisation, a full-stack developer is the jack of all trades, with a notable difference. They are the jack of all trades and masters of a few.

And that’s a combination that is agile, adept, and abreast of all current changes.

COVID-19 has brought about some permanent changes in the industry. Companies now favour smaller and multispeciality teams. With companies being more open to work-from-home options, there has never been a more appropriate time to launch a career in Full Stack Development.

Curious to know what exactly is Full Stack Development? Let’s go ahead…

What is Full Stack Development?


At its simplest, full-stack development is an end-to-end task. Full-stack developers work on both the client-side (front-end) and the server-side (back-end). They also work on databases, cloud, storage, and everything else.

Full-stack developer is fluent in more than one language, preferably one front-end language like JavaScript, CSS, React, Ajax, and so on, and at least one back-end language like Python, R, Java, or Node. Js. Since they are equipped to handle much more than average full-stack developers, full Stack developers often command higher salaries.

Companies invest in a good Stack web developer because it helps save operational costs, minimises errors associated with a larger team, and drastically reduces the turnaround time.

This isn’t to say that the full-stack development process is a one-size fit. Despite offering agility, versatility and ease, Full Stack Development also has its own weaknesses.

The biggest is the lack of in-depth knowledge in a specialised field. Unlike specialists, full-stack developers are trained to look at the bigger picture. In such cases, they miss out on the finer details and intricacies of deep-seated problems. Apart from that, a full-stack developer can face difficulties juggling multiple tasks all at the same time. Also, unless meticulous, it is easy to lose sight of the bigger picture while being involved in everyday tasks.

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How to Approach Full Stack Developer Internship?

Learning full-stack development requires focus and time management. Unlike other fields, full-stack development prioritises enhancing the breadth of knowledge compared to depth. Also, they need to be focused on the big picture to avoid getting into too much detail.

Due to the difference in the outlook, full-stack development requires a little more than the regular study programme and a different approach to problem-solving.

They train themselves to focus on efficiency rather than multitasking.

Further, they often use the breadth of their knowledge to their advantage and develop innovative solutions to complex problems. Good SuperCoders are abreast of the major technological changes in the industry.

How Can CodeQuotient’s SuperCoders Program Help?


CodeQuotient offers an immersive Full Stack Development program. The program was born with a vision to enable students to pursue programming language as a long-term and successful career option.

CodeQuotient’s Full Stack Development Program covers all aspects of the subject and helps you grow as an all-rounder. This internship program emphasises the front-end, back-end, database management, cloud and others equally. To know more about what they offer, check out here.

CodeQuotient’s motto is “learning by implementation.” Most of the internship consists of students working on projects alongside team members. This provides a proper working environment for the students, and they get a taste of what it is like working as a full-stack developer in an office.

Further, since all projects are time-bound, CodeQuotient’s SuperCoders get a feel of the deadlines, deliverables, productivity levels, and ability to take the pressure.  It is a great opportunity for coders to assess their strengths and weaknesses.

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Students not only build solid technical skills but also get a chance to polish their soft skills like team building, communication, presentations, and time management.

LIVE Projects


CodeQuotient actively encourages its students to create a portfolio of projects demonstrating their skill, knowledge and expertise. During the program, CodeQuotient’s SuperCodermustto worked on at least two LIVE projects, two being the minimum number. These projects are done according to the recent developments in the industry.

They are clickable and can be executed on CodeQuotient’s platform by potential recruiters. These projects show that CodeQuotient’s SuperCoders “learn by doing.” That they implement everything they have learnt by watching class materials. It also demonstrates that CodeQuotient’s graduates are ready to be productive in their job roles from day 1.

Mentor Support

CodeQuotient instructors are from leading tech companies. This not only allows the students to get to know the latest and upcoming trends in the tech world but also provides them with an insider’s view of the expectations team managers and recruiters have of young graduates entering the industry and what it takes to r up the career ladder.

CodeQuotient expects its SuperCoders to be team players, whether a team of two or twenty. It enhances the learner’s ability to collaborate, research and communicate effectively with others. The instructors are also equally capable of training young SuperCoders about the dos and don’ts of the industry early on.

Support Network 

Upon completing the internship, CodeQuotient taps initseir network of hiring partners. These potential recruiters assess an individual’s learning curve by seeing their portfolio and obtaining feedback from CodeQuotient’s team about the coders. Since the students spend about six months working with the mentors, CodeQuotient’s team can make informed recommendations to the hiring partners.

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What does it take to get into CodeQuotient’s SuperCoders Program?

To deliver the best talents to the industry, CodeQuotient takes in students who are passionate about coding. Good technical foundational skills are the starting point. CodeQuotient believes in hiring the tech leaders of tomorrow and is on the lookout for candidates who can bring in something extra. Integrity, personal ethics, and interpersonal skills are some of the sought-after qualities that CodeQuotient’s team looks out for.

If you think you fit the bill, enrol immediately to boost your career. The next batch is not too far away.

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