
In today’s highly digitised world, there are numerous career opportunities for software developers. At the same time, it is true that the industry is facing a severe talent shortage. The industry is expanding at a pace in which that traditional educational institutes are not able to match. This leads to an outdated curriculum and the entry of graduates in the market who are not quite job-ready.

Today, there are articles and tutorials on the web teaching you how to make an android app, design a website, and write algorithms, among many other things. Sure, you may be able to create an android app without knowing how to code by using a pre-assembled platform, but does it really help you in the long run? Nope. Neither will following fragmented resources across the web designed to address only immediate problems.

What does it take to be a Pro in Making Android Apps?


To be really good at something, you need to spend a lot of time doing that. However, when it comes to programming, things are so interconnected that focusing on a small part at the risk of ignoring the larger frame can produce more problems instead of solutions. In order to stand out from the crowd, you need skills that go beyond just coding.  Companies are always on the lookout for coders who can see the big picture. They look for people who can develop an android app, collaborate with the design team on visuals, and take care of the back end.

Enter Full-Stack Development

The multiple stages of developing an app and maintaining it may seem difficult, but they are not. The secret: full stack development.

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Full stack development is the rage these days, being a highly-demanded skill in the industry. Full stack development involves developing both the front-end and the back-end of websites and applications. Full-stack developers get their hands dirty with a lot of things, right from debugging to maintaining relational databases, and everything else in between.

They typically are fluent in multiple coding languages, notable ones being HTML, Javascript, Python, and SQL. This aids them in performing various tasks and helping multiple teams across the departments in the organisation. Companies prefer investing in a good full-stack developer rather than hiring a team of various developers dedicated to specific, minor roles.

Perhaps the most important skill full-stack developers bring to the organisation is their ability to see the big picture. As a coder who knows both the front-end and the back-end work, full-stack developers have a larger vantage point that gives them a distinct advantage. They are in the best position to survey and gather insights on how to make a product even better, how to make a website more user-friendly and how to organise the company’s database to make it more streamlined and useful.

Who can be a Full-Stack Developer?


Being a full-stack developer gives you lots of benefits. Not only is it a highly valued skill, but also in demand worldwide. A recent study by Burning Glass predicted the demand for full-stack developers will go up by 30.7 per cent in the coming decade.

So, if you have got the zeal to excel, dedication, and passion to be a talented coder who sees the bigger picture, this can be a rewarding career choice.

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One doesn’t need to scour the internet for resources required for learning complete app development. At CodeQuotient, we have compiled an effective study schedule, with lessons delivered by leading experts from top IT companies like Google and Amazon, to name a few.

Whether you want to learn how to make an app or how to build cloud architecture, engage in optimising the user experience, or understand the intricacies of relational databases – learning full stack development equips you with a complete package of industry-ready skills – sets that you can apply to any area of your choice. It provides you with a strong foundation that serves as a launchpad for your career in programming.

It doesn’t matter if you are a college student, a recent graduate trying to land a job, or an experienced professional in the field- all you need to know is the basics of coding, familiarity with coding languages, and the dedication to become the best version of yourself.

Practice Makes Every Learner Perfect

Earlier in this article, we mentioned how the gap between academics and industry demands renders the college curriculum obsolete. A major part of that has to do with the lack of real-time projects for students. At CodeQuotient, our instructors follow the learning-by-implementation method.

Right from day 1, students get hands-on learning by doing projects. The full-time course demands that students do multiple projects, to expedite the skill-building.

The more you tinker, the more you get to know.

And when you do encounter a problem, you can immediately find support from your mentors or fellow coders. The focus is on building partnerships, so instead of a typical student-teacher environment, you get mentors, project partners, industry connections, and much more.

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Not only does doing multiple projects hone technical skills but they also polish soft skills like working in a team, communicating problems effectively, and collaborating with other teams to find solutions to those problems. The entire structure of the course is that of an organisation, so students get the distinct advantage of being immersed in a professional environment.

Be Industry-ready

At CodeQuotient, our support doesn’t end just once the course period is over. Since the core of the curriculum is project-based, our students showcase these LIVE projects on their portfolios. These projects can be viewed and executed by recruiters on CodeQuotient’s hiring platform. This allows the recruiters to assess a candidate’s potential as well as receive feedback from the Course Instructors.

The comprehensive curriculum, focus on LIVE projects, and organisational environment provided by CodeQuotient makes it a great place for learners to begin their careers in programming. Whether you are making an app or creating a cloud database, do it like a Pro!

Enrol today with CodeQuotient to kickstart your amazing career in programming!

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