
Are you ready to start a new learning experience in JavaScript? But somewhere, you feel a lack of prerequisite knowledge about Java. We all know by now that no matter how basic or beginner friendly an online course is, it is always better to have a little information before diving into the course. Especially while starting a new computer language, some information about the features beforehand is always good.

What is JavaScript?


JavaScript, more commonly known as JS, is a computer programming language. 98% of companies use JS on the client front of the website as of 2022. Although it also finds use on the server end, the JavaScript online course focuses on both of these. JavaScript mostly deals with giving an interactive and engaging experience to the user. All these features together make JavaScript an extremely dynamic tool for creating the best interactive websites possible.

Notable Features of JavaScript 

Out of the many advantages and worthwhile features,some stand out. Two of the best features that JavaScript online courses often highlight are:

  • Flexible Nature

The vast area of creativity and new ideas that JavaScript provides makes it an effortless and flexible language. A variety of websites can be built using JavaScript.

The most favourite feature of developers is JavaScript being client-response friendly which helps them play with the website and make it more interactive.

  • Feasible to Use

JavaScript is said to be the easiest programming language to learn, helping the user to create web pages quickly. Most JavaScript online courses are efficient enough to teach the learner about website building even in the earliest stage of training.

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Technical JavaScript Features to be Thorough With

Moving forward, it is more about a technical perspective while learning a programming language. While most JavaScript online courses teach the basics of the language before diving deeper, some miss out on the explanation. It is always better to have a rough idea about the primary tools and features like:

  • Variable

The proper knowledge of variables can help developers work on a website faster and easier. Variables help in storing the data in a specific location. This data is easily accessible from within the code that the developer writes.

  • Function

There are a few functions that are inbuilt in JavaScript that developers can use. Functions are basically used to group related codes in a set, making them a single unit. These functions are also one of the features that make the code development process easier and quicker.

  • Libraries

The creation of user interfaces and mathematical solving operations is what libraries are for. There are different libraries for different purposes in JavaScript. Just like books in libraries make it easier to access knowledge, the libraries in Java help the developers to access solutions or components that can be used to resolve any problem.

Features to Improve Code Quality

The competition among coders is undoubtedly real. There are many code developers out on the internet but only a few make it to the elite group. JavaScript has introduced some new features that help in making the code much more efficient.

  • Arrow Function

The arrow functions are the best way to make the code even more concise. Their symbol is => and they are used in place of function expressions. With a short syntax, the arrow function returns the last statement value in the function.

  • Generators

Generators are a way to create iterators. These are brought in use for simplification of code as well as to create a sequence of data.

  • Const and Let

These two functions are known to improve code quality. A read only variable is made by cons (constant). On the other hand, a changeable variable is made by let (a signal for reassigning a variable), but the value of the variable will not be forgotten when the code is run next time.

  • Promises

We can use the Promises feature to write an organised and asynchronous code. It is a newly added feature in JavaScript that allows you to write sequential code, and helps avoid repeated or multiple asynchronous operations.

  • Object Destructuring

This new feature of JavaScript allows the code developer to use a shorter syntax in order to extract data from objects. It is used to return values from functions and assign them to the variables. This is taught in detail in JavaScript online courses.

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On a Concluding Note

The choice can be difficult because of the many JavaScript online courses available. But to ease this stage, we recommend the best pick to be CodeQuotient’s SuperCoders Program. This program covers all the necessary topics to help the student become a Full Stack Developer and land their dream job or excel in the field in every manner. It is a live online course divided into 2 months of Foundation level and then 1 month of Specialisation. Do visit their official website for more information regarding the course and also know about the further steps for enrollment.

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