How-to-Know-if-Your-Tech-Recruitment-Process-is-Outdated (1)

Today more than 50% of the world’s population has access to the internet. In the past couple of decades, the sphere of Information technology widened substantially; it changed how crucial sectors of the economy like healthcare, climate action, media, and communication function. With the inception of technologies like metaverse, blockchain, and NFT, the scope of IT is only going to increase.

As the horizon of IT services is increasing, the demand for tech professionals is also increasing. It’s a full-fledged marketplace, and picking the right talent for your industry is a daunting task.

It’s time employers have a relook into their recruitment processes;  because old ways of tech recruitment are no longer yielding results.

Top tech talent today is not looking for just jobs but an environment where they can thrive.  And your tech recruitment process should align with their aspirations.

Where does your tech recruitment process stand? Let’s evaluate!

Five Questions to Understand the State of Your Tech Recruitment Process


Tech recruitment is getting more challenging every day; from securing top-tier talent to retaining them, it’s a big ask. But if you keep yourself updated with the changing requirements of the industry and upgrade your processes in the same direction, things get easier.

The question today is –  Are you projecting your company right? Are you recruiting right? Try answering the following questions!.”

  • Are you using marketing techniques for recruitment? 

The tech talent marketplace is vast; choosing the right candidate for the position is an uphill task. Using marketing techniques in the tech recruitment process allows you to target a wider talent pool.

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Digital marketing tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights (or similar tools from other platforms) can play a constructive role in your digital tech recruitment process. You can use the data collected by these tools to understand tech talent’s behaviour- what they are after, and create your recruitment campaigns around these platforms.

If you are not doing it, you are already behind in the race!

  • Do you believe in doing everything manually?

To recruit the best tech talent, you need time, and saving your human resources is the way to do it. However, if you believe in “everything DIY’, you need a serious relook in your recruitment strategy.

When organisations are rapidly automating manual processes, you can‘t carry on with “everything DIY.” SaaS tools are available in the market to help you with screening, crunching candidate data, and managing candidate responses.

Also, you can make your tech recruitment easier by automating processes like tech assessment and virtual interactions with potential candidates on your website.

  • Are you communicating your culture? 

Contrary to popular belief, “tech recruiters don’t need to care about company culture,” new-age tech companies are attracting great minds by propagating their culture.

Companies are investing heavily in employee development programs. Some are offering perks like in-house gym and swimming pool, while others are simply highlighting transparency and flexibility. In essence, your culture could be different, but you must communicate and market it because it matters to every employee irrespective of their role in the company.

  • Is CV still your most important tool to judge candidates? 

Testing candidates for the right skillset is a difficult job. And you cannot rely on CVs to help you. If you are still using CV as a tool to shortlist tech candidates, your recruitment process needs an upgrade.

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To assess specific technical skills, tech companies are now partnering with testing and training platforms, eliminating confirmation bias from the recruitment process.

  • Are you still conducting HR rounds to select techies? 

Are you still getting HR professionals with minimal or no tech knowledge to conduct multiple rounds of interviews? Yes. Then, you are just increasing the cost of the recruitment without adding much relevance to the recruitment process.

Without a doubt, interviews are essential, and they are an integral part of the recruitment process. But now, you have to think beyond traditional HR interviews because these interviews stir good tech talent. Having a tech team to interview potential employees helps both you and the candidates.

How Can CodeQuotient Help You Upgrade Your Tech Recruitment? 

CodeQuotient helps you hire top tech talent fresh out from colleges. We screen thousands of students, select only the top 10%, and equip them with everything highly skilled tech professionals need.

After selection, CodeQuotient takes students into a three-month mentorship program, where they work on live projects and sharpen their skills. Also, CodeQuotient makes sure students are also trained for integrity and have good interpersonal skills. Fundamentally, CodeQuotient serves employment-ready, highly talented tech professionals in the industry.

Click to know more about how we can help you find better talents and the companies we are working with! You can also reach out to us at

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Also Read:  Eight Amazing Ways to Attract Top Tech Talent in 2023

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