
We bite our tongue as we say this, but the pandemic appears to be petering out. Companies are calling their employees back to the office at a frenzied pace. As of 7th January, the average footfall per day on the Mumbai local was 46.5 lakhs. The Third Wave has also subsided since, and life as we knew it appears to be returning. A by-product of COVID-19, however, is that it accelerated the process of digitisation. Thus, the work-from-home model has proved rather beneficial for the tech industry.

In the past year, with consumption patterns shifting online work has too, particularly for the tech industry. Data indicates that for a small section of highly-skilled and highly-paid employees, work-from-home has actually increased productivity.

In a survey by BCG 51% of respondents said that their productivity increased for technical work, and an overwhelming 75% said the same about their administrative tasks.  Work from home has clearly changed the tech landscape for the better. Let us look into some of the effects it has had.


Remote Work: Changing The Landscape of Tech

1. Productivity & Innovation

In 2020, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg opened up his company to remote hiring. Under this strategy, Facebook opened its doors to hiring people from remote locations from where they continue to work. They never actually come into the office! He has said that this plan will unfold in phases, starting small and gradually expanding based on learnings.

He argued that, “It will help us advance some of the future technology we’re working on around remote presence because we’re just going to be using it constantly ourselves.”

Furthermore, Facebook employees reported very high productivity rates while working remotely. This statistic has shown up across the board with respect to the tech industry. Several employees have even indicated that they prefer this model of working!

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2. Work-Life Balance

TechHQ reports that 86% of employees preferred remote work. It seems “work-life balance” was the primary reason for their preference. It stands to reason that without the energy-zapping commute, employees have been able to spend more quality time at home.

However, the opposite is also true.

Several employees indicated that work-from-home has blurred boundaries between work and home. In this new age, it has become of utmost importance to give your team members adequate downtime. Talk of long weekends and flexible work hours has been doing the rounds for a while. Top analysts are saying that this period could be the trigger that catalyses it into action.

3. Diversity

By opening up hiring to remote workers, companies can diversify their talent pool. Earlier, people would come to cities in search of work but now, the work comes to them. This improves access to opportunity while simultaneously enriching one’s own work culture. It’s a win-win for all!

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4. No Commuting: Impact on the environment and mental health

In 2020, it’s easier to move bits than atoms” – Mark Zuckerberg

Aren’t we all familiar with traffic along all major city arteries between 8-10 am? Imagine the levels of air pollution generated daily, by commuters alone! Since remote work became the norm, emission levels have come down drastically. Moreover, the time that people save can be spent exercising or pursuing a hobby. This will, no doubt, have positive effects on one’s mental and physical health.

5. Isolation: Autonomy vs. Team Spirit

The remote work culture has had an impact on team spirit, no doubt. People are feeling isolated. When differences arise, resentment can brew among teammates, especially when you do not have the typical means of resolution available to you. This can impact the spirit of collaboration. Therefore employers need to devise and action remedial processes for the same.

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However, people have felt a sense of autonomy in their work. This results in a general sense of confidence and courage to experiment in their respective fields.

Small Tweaks: How To Make Remote Work More Efficient for Your Team

Let’s be honest though. Remote work has not entirely been a garden of roses. People have complained about overworking, burnout and isolation. People have also expressed concerns about career growth in a virtual world. As leaders, there are ways in which you can allay this sense of unease and create a positive work environment.

Communication Is The New Location

Communication. Communication. Communication. In a remote work environment, it is imperative to create healthy channels of communication within a team. Gather feedback from your team about their work from home experience and see how and where you can help.

A hybrid model is another pattern that several tech companies are adopting. In this model, employees come into the office a few times a month for collaborative sessions. Sometimes, these can even be team bonding events. This keeps morale high and also enables cultural growth within the company.

I’m sure we all agree, that the health and wellness of one’s team members is a top priority. So, while email and instant messaging apps are tempting, it is equally important to give your team a break. Try scheduling time in blocks. Carve out chunks of time dedicated to taking a break. During this period, no one from work should contact each other. It gives people a moment to be mentally free from engagements and come back refreshed.

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The Bottom Line 

The bottom line is that as far as the tech industry is concerned, some form of remote work is here to stay. It has been proven beneficial by several markers. Productivity and innovation have remained high. And overall wellbeing has improved. There are still many wrinkles that need ironing, but the pros clearly outweigh the cons. Thus, the best way forward as leaders of today is to embrace this change if we want to become the leaders of tomorrow. So, start investing in home offices and adapt your work culture to this new normal, it’s here to stay!

We understand that this transition has been difficult, but we believe in you! If you are looking for the perfect hires to enrich your team in this remote world, get in touch with us. Till then, keep following this space for more interesting reads and subscribe to our blog.

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