
Are you a College Student or a Software Professional looking for a Summer internship? Then keep reading, as we will be answering all your questions!

Summer holidays are a great time to relax, bask in the sun, go on trips with family, etc. But it is also the best time to learn. If you are a student or a professional looking to sharpen your skills in coding, joining a summer internship is a great opportunity to learn to code quickly. Various coding boot camps offer summer courses to launch you with a new, specialised career in the tech world.

Summer coding internships have become very popular nowadays, for good reasons, of course. Imagine yourself being placed at a good company, being confident about your skills, and earning a six-figure salary after 3-6 months of training. Sounds cool, right?

Is Summer Internship for Coders Worth It?

The best way to determine whether a summer training program is worth your time and money are to check what other people say about it. You can also hear what other people say by visiting different online forums and communities meant for coders and developers. And if you are still not convinced, you can try contacting the instructors directly and hear from them about the courses offered.

Around 89% of IT employers believe that coders who undergo summer internships are more prepared than those who hold degrees in Computer Science from an accredited college or university.

So are they that helpful?

Pursuing a course from such summer training institutes can help jump-start your career, even if you are an average student. You will get direct exposure to how it will be while you apply for a job by preparing your extensive resume and portfolio.

Summer internship give you a better opportunity to add new tools to your toolbox! The key to success lies in sharpening the skills you’re learning and applying them. Here you can identify the popular programs or tools in your industry and become an expert. This not only makes you more marketable but will also set you apart as a fast learner.

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What will you get from Summer Training Courses?

  • The real-time works and projects assist you in learning more analytically
  • You get more practical exposure while interacting with the experts
  • The certificates obtained from such courses give you an added weightage to your resume and portfolio
  • It helps you to gain in-depth technical knowledge
  • Enhances professional skills in a real-time work environment
  • It helps you to understand your area of interest in programming
  • You will get to learn the basics of how to work as a team and complete the task within the time

Tips to Know for Coders Before Attending Summer Internship


1. Getting into the Right Mindset

We all know that coding is mentally exhausting- seriously, programming can swirl up parts of your brain you didn’t even know existed. The best way to get into the mood of programming before attending your training is to get the right frame of mind- start thinking more like a computer.

Saying to be like a computer means you will need to start thinking logically. Make use of simple coding apps for your phone or tablet that will teach you the basics of algorithms, javascript, etc. this will surely make you a little more confident to attend the classes and will get you a leg up on your fellow training colleagues.

2. Surround Yourself with Tech Knowledge

These days technology changes constantly, and that too at a faster pace. So to become a top-notch software developer, you need to stay atop of the current tech events. Wouldn’t it be great if you could stay updated without much effort?

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Yes!! Listen to developer podcasts, read tech blogs, and follow developers on Twitter. Hearing experienced developers talk about the tech world allows you to grasp some ideas altogether.

3. Get Some of Your Energy Out

With summer around the corner, many people think of BBQs, trips, beaches, etc. But for you, all you need to think about is just about one thing- programming.

To have a productive summer training course, make the weeks before your course starts as fun as possible and get the summer relaxation out of your mind. If you are easily distracted, remove time-wasting apps from your phone and computer. You can only fully invest in Summer training courses by eliminating distractions.

4. Engage in Pre-course Works

You might have gotten some basic coding principles earlier through college or maybe through an app or site. So what’s next?

CodeQuotient assigns you with pre-course works that give you a better vision of setting a base for your long-term programming career. The pre-course materials help you to get hands-on coding.

5. Check the Job Opportunities

Do a self-research regarding the junior/entry-level software developer positions that are out there. It is found that the more popular the summer training camps become in the coding community, the lesser jobs will be out there near you.

Look at Glassdoor, Linkedin, and Indeed, and find out how many results you can see for entry-level developers in your area. Look for their job descriptions to see whether they need experienced people or if they are accepting no prior experience at all.

6. If Working, Don’t Quit Your Job

This is especially for those professionals who already work in tech and still want to join a summer training course to level up their coding skills. You might get promoted within your own company by learning on the side.

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Talk to the developers in your organization and understand what technology stack they are using and try learning those technologies in the summer training. You could also ask your manager in the development team if they have any projects in the company that you could work on.

CodeQuotient – a Viable Way to Launching your Tech Career


In the end, attending a summer internship is a great way to enter the world of coding, even if you are a fresher or a professional. If you’re unhappy with your current job position and are on the verge of looking to increase your value with relevant skills, then these courses are a great fit for you.

CodeQuotient’s live online internship that suited for both the freshers and the experienced who aspire to showcase their skills to land their dream jobs.  Once our learners complete their courses successfully, we connect them with our hiring partners and help them get their best-fit job.

Reach out to us at CodeQuotient today for thorough preparation and guidance to crack your competitors in the tech field and stand out to be the best.

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