
Approximately 26.9 million software developers are currently present worldwide. And this number is expected to increase to 27.7 million by 2023 and 28.7 million by 2024. This influx of software developers will be supported by quality jobs. Isn’t this a good enough reason to try your luck at coding? 

Online coding bootcamps are excellent places to learn to code. They are highly immersive and intense experiences that truly bring out the best in learners. However, many learners become anxiety-struck due to the bootcamp’s high-pressure environment. But as they say, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

You are here to build your future, and with the proper guidance, you surely will! Here are the six important tips to ace your online bootcamp as a fresher.

6 Tips To Ace Your Online Coding Bootcamp


1. Tenacity: Be Up And Ready For Any And All Challenges

Online coding bootcamps are called bootcamps for a reason. They are highly intense programs that pack a punch into a short period which might often make you feel like quitting.

But buckle up and hold on because every challenge brings you one step closer to your goal.

A few coping mechanisms to put into action:

  • Do not enter bootcamps with a blank page. Learn and prepare before you get into the course.
  • Have an excellent work ethic and be willing to do what is needed to get the job done.
  • Take a break if you feel demotivated, or talk to friends or instructors.
  • Stuck in code, Ask Google!

You will slowly see yourself emerge from your limiting beliefs and discover newfound confidence.

Also Read:  The Top Coding Skills Every Student Must Learn

2. Let Goal Setting Drive Your Motivation

Be absolutely clear about your reason for joining the bootcamp when you enrol. Once you have entered, set aggressive goals during the tenure of the course.

Setting aggressive goals has bifold benefits. Aggressive goal setting keeps you motivated by pushing you to achieve more than the standards posed by the  bootcamp. It can be your secret recipe to excelling at the bootcamp.

And secondly, it helps you allocate the required time and energy to the course.

Understanding that goal setting and motivation are interdependent for your success as a coding learner is essential. The good news is that the intense program won’t give you any time to be lax.

The bootcamps ensure they keep everyone motivated, but setting more personal and aggressive goals will help you make longer strides.

3. Be Honest With Your Learning And Stay Attentive

Be genuinely interested and honest with what you learn. Don’t study just for the sake of it. Be attentive to whether you understand the module or not. Observe where you need improvement and which areas are your strong suit. This will lead to more learning opportunities.

And while you are being honest about your learnings, do not forget to be honest with yourself. Some problems would be more complicated than others. And there is nothing wrong in acknowledging what’s difficult and how you feel about it. This will eventually make you a better programmer.

Just keep assessing yourself and keep looking for topics to improve on.

4. Take Care Of Your Health

You can only go on as long as your health permits. Thus, take care of your health. Getting ill will jeopardise your chances of excelling at your online coding bootcamp.

Also Read:  Software Engineering Bootcamp: Our Formula for Career-Ready Developers

Some lifestyle choices to actively choose are:

  • Avoid Energy Drinks: They will hinder your concentration, disturb your sleep, and create a surge in your anxiety levels.
  • Take Regular Breaks And Eat A Healthy Diet: Every few hours, take a break, get fresh air, grab a coffee, or eat a healthy meal. All these activities will keep you energised and in the right state of mind.
  • Take Care Of Your Mental Health: This is bound to be a challenging journey. Remember to de-stress with your favourite music playlist, be in touch with friends, do guided meditations, and so on.

Apps like Headspace are a great way to start your meditation journey.

  • Have A Proper Sleep Schedule: Coffee-fuelled all-nightersisn’t really the best kind of productivity. Instead, get a good night’s sleep and return with a fresh mind, as careless mistakes are committed when we are not fully attentive.

5. Don’t Let Anxiety Get The Best Of You

The performance pressure in online coding bootcamps can get to anybody. And it won’t be long before anxiety takes centre stage.

Do not let it collect; remember to let the pressure out. It will keep your anxiety in check, and you will never lose sight of the fun and interest that coding brings you.

Talk to your classmates because the probability that they are going through the same is high. Talk to your mentors, and you can even join online communities like Reddit. All this opening up will not only lessen your worries at the bootcamp but also lay the foundations of a strong community that will help you ascend the steps of your career.

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6. Accept That You Will Fail And That It Is OK!

Full Stack development might not be rocket science, but it’s not child’s play either.

You will fail, and it is OK.

Most genius people have failed, and there is nothing bad about failing. It is essential to keep persevering.

On The Lookout For The Best Online Coding Bootcamp?

CodeQuotient offers you the best opportunity at almost no cost and with placement assurance!

CodeQuotient’s SuperCoders Program is no ordinary coding bootcamp. They not only supercharge you with the practical coding skills required to be a full stack developer but also prepare you for aptitude tests and interviews in three months.

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