
First released at the turn of the century in 2000, C# (pronounced as “C-Sharp”) is a simple, modern, generic-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative.

It was built to meet the growing demand for web-based applications that Visual Basic (VB) or C++ could not fulfil. C# merges the best features of Java and C++, making it easier for C and C++ developers to start using C#.

The average salary in the India for a C# developer ranges from ₹7,56,062! This makes C# one of the most lucrative programming languages to learn for any budding developer who aspires to lead a fulfilling career in the programming industry.

For any freshers preparing for a C# interview, it is essential to note that although interviewers may ask many questions, knowing the basics of this programming language certainly improves the chances of getting hired.

With that in mind, here are 10 essential questions that every fresher should know when appearing for an interview for any C# role.

10 Essential C# Questions Freshers Must Know


1.  What is C#?

C# is an object-oriented, type-safe programming language developed and compiled within Microsoft’s .NET framework used to develop windows applications.

It is used to develop professional and dynamic websites on the .NET platform, open-source software, Windows applications and video games.

Want to see what it takes to go from a learner to a software engineer, read Baljeet’s inspirational journey here.

2. Can you name some benefits of C#?

It has a low learning curve, making it easier for freshers to grasp basic concepts and start developing creative applications. It is also highly scalable as the strict nature of its static coding makes programs very consistent and reliable, no matter their size and scope.

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It enjoys enormous community support. As per StackOverflow’s 2019 survey, C# has the world’s third-largest community of developers. In addition, 67% of developers love it, and thousands of C# jobs are available in the US at any time.

It has reusable components for faster product development and a vast library that provides high functionality, simplicity and efficiency.

3. What are the types of comments in C#?

There are three different types of comments in C#:

  • Single line: 

//This is a single line comment

  • Multiple line (/* */): 

/*This is a multiple line comment

We are in line 2

Last line of comment*/

  •  XML Comments (///): 

/// summary;

/// Set error message for multilingual language.

/// summary

4. Can multiple catch blocks be executed in C#?

No, several catch blocks of a similar kind cannot be executed at the same time. Instead, control is given to the ‘finally’ block when the correct catch code has been executed, and then the code following the ‘finally’ block is executed.

5. What is the difference between public, static, and void in C#?

Public declared variables and methods can be accessed from anywhere in the programme. Without generating an instance of the class, static declared variables or methods are globally available.

By default, static members are not globally available; however, this can be changed depending on the type of access modification employed.

Instead, the method’s address is saved as the entry point, and the compiler utilises this information to start execution before any objects are generated.

Finally, Void is a type modifier stating that the method or variable returns no value or null.

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If you’d like to understand the difference between a compiler and an interpreter, Click here.

6. What is an object in C#?

An object is an instance of a class that allows us to access its methods. To construct an object, you can use the “New” keyword.

The information regarding the methods, variables, and behaviour of a class that generates an object in memory will be stored in that class.

7. What are constructors in C#?

A constructor is a member function in a class that has the same name as its class. The constructor is automatically invoked whenever an object class is created. It constructs the values of data members while initialising the class.

8. What are Jagged Arrays in C#?

Any Array with elements of the type ‘array’ is called a jagged Array. Unlike normal arrays, the elements within a jagged array can be of different dimensions and sizes. Therefore, we can also call a jagged Array an Array of arrays.

9. What are serialisation and de-serialization in C#?

Whenever we wish to send an item over the internet, we must first turn it into a stream of bytes. Serialisation is the process of transforming an item into a stream of bytes.

To be serialisable, an object must implement the ISerialize Interface. De-serialization is the process of constructing an object from a stream of bytes in the opposite direction.

10. What is the difference between constants and read-only in C#?

Constant variables are declared and initialised at compile time. Their values get fixed and cannot be changed afterwards.

Read-only is used only when we want to assign the value to a variable at run time.

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These were a few critical questions to help you cover some of the basics of the C# language to crack your interview as a fresher.

Going through these answers and understanding the concepts is a surefire way to increase your grasp of the C# programming language.

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Do you want to start your software engineering journey but are not sure what to begin with? Click here.

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