
When it comes to innovation, developers are key players in the success of a project. The grit and grind of becoming a true software engineer isn’t for everyone, but hard-working minds like Vishal Garg, from Indore find their way to success in the coding world.

Vishal was part of CQ’s SuperCoder program and is now making a difference with Capillary Technologies as a Software Engineer.

This is his story!

Vishal Garg’s Inspiring Journey from Learner to Top-Notch Software Engineer

Vishal wanted to learn Web Development and was directed toward CQ Academy by his HOD. The program structure, mentorship, and curriculum piqued his interest.

“I used to just focus on aptitude and how to implement coding concepts into creating a project,” “but now I am confident in technical concepts and know their real-life applications,” says Vishal.

He says initially; he was doubtful if he would learn web development through just recorded sessions. He was looking for live sessions to have an exposure to technology. He knew he’d made the right decision, as the CQ selection process is perfect for testing aspirants if they have the right skills required to work in a coding environment.

CodeQuotient had already cleared doubts about rigorous training sessions, mentor guidance, and expectations to prepare them mentally at the start of the course.

CodeQuotient is an excellent place to enhance your coding skills through qualified and engaging mentors. I knew I would learn a lot more than stated because the course was designed to cover all levels, Vishal says.

Problem solving approach

The problem-solving method has helped him gain knowledge and apply it in real-world scenarios, confirms Vishal. “For example, I found the 10-day placement preparation course to be extremely beneficial in various ways. One of them was refreshing concepts like OOPS and DSA, which we tend to forget after 2-3 months. The course also taught us some great tips on how to ace our interviews.”

Also Read:  Devyani Ginnare and Her Success With CodeQuotient!

He claims that the CQ academy didn’t just keep its word by training students; it also guided them through the recruitment process after the course.

“Instead of just connecting with service-based companies, we were interviewed by credible product-based companies.”

Interactions with mentors

“When I’d doubts, I turned to the mentor, who provided valuable feedback without being disrespectful or letting me down, so it was easy to see that they were genuinely invested in helping me succeed,” says Vishal.

Mentorship is one of the most valued parts of the CQ SuperCoder course because with personalised guidance, learners gain insights into the work environment apart from learning to code.

The best learning experience 

Vishal describes how the learning process was created to assist students of all levels. The classes focused on real-world applications rather than simply covering the concepts theoretically.

He also explains the difference between other courses and SuperCoder’s program. “When compared with other courses, significantly fewer examples are given to help you understand how a concept can be applied in the real world. CodeQuotient mentors understand this and teach the mechanics of the concept so you understand what it is and when and why it should be used. ”

Project based learning


Vishal explains How project-based learning has changed the way we learn concepts quickly. “If a mentor completes a project but does not allow you to participate, learning becomes monotonous. However, CodeQuotient takes a different approach: first, concepts are taught through a dummy project, and then students are asked to create a project from scratch. That is why we can reason logically about how each part of the project fits into the overall structure.“

Tight deadlines help complete projects efficiently

Before connecting with CQ, Vishal  was concerned about his aptitude and how to come up with a project that would help him clear the interview stages. However, the CodeQuotient team had already informed learners about the rigorous training and deadlines, which prepared us to give it our all.

“I believe the mentors’ tight deadlines pushed me to finish projects instead of putting them off. Mentors used to assist and explain why we were stuck in a particular situation. Everything coordinated splendidly with CQ, and I was completely devoted to my projects from a high-level understanding to an actual hands-on approach.” says Vishal.

A Course to crack dream job interviews 

Vishal acknowledges that CodeQuotient’s SuperCoder program helps you land your dream job.

I felt confident and could answer 80% of the questions during the technical interview. The reason being, I had gone over the questions with my mentor, who had explained everything I needed to know about the areas that might be discussed and how to respond if that happened.” says Vishal.

Learning beyond the course

He concludes, “Connecting with CodeQuotient Academy was the best decision I ever made. As a result, my skills as a programmer have grown significantly, and I recommend it to my juniors and classmates looking to flourish in their careers.”

Also Read:  Shubham Singla and His Success With CodeQuotient

In today’s innovative world, knowing how to code isn’t enough; what’s important is understanding how apps change things for the better, how to improve user experience, and how to use coding skills to achieve these goals. And,CQ gives a perfect opportunity to develop logical and programming skills with their SuperCoders program.

The SuperCoder program helps aspirants learn at their own pace and seek help from experts they can trust, making learning more accessible and engaging on a subject that interests them.

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