
Applications for the TCS NQT (National Qualifier Test) 2024 are open, and the competition is cutthroat. As everything from the updated syllabus and exam pattern is easily accessible, you only need a winning strategy and proper preparation.

The biggest challenge of TCS NQT is that the exam gives you comparatively less time to prepare. After filling out the application form, it is only a matter of a maximum of 4 to 5 months. So, you must work diligently and utilise your time to the fullest.

This blog will tell you how to create a winning strategy to crack TCS NQT on your first attempt.

Comprehensive To-Do List Before Attempting TCS NQT

Below is a structured approach to the tasks aspirants must perform before appearing for the exam. These steps are the research aspirants must conduct, which will help make an informed strategy and prepare a clear plan.

Step 1: Understand the selection process of TCS NQT.

The TCS NQT process consists of various stages: filling out the online application form on their official website and appearing for the online exam.

Then, you can start applying for jobs with multiple companies partnering in the exam and undergo their respective selection process.

Step 2: Revise the TCS NQT Syllabus and test pattern.

The Cognitive skill test of the TCS NQT exam pattern involves one online test of 75 minutes and 65 marks. The online test syllabus consists of three sections: numerical ability, verbal ability, and reasoning ability.

The detailed syllabus and exam pattern goes like this:


Most importantly, there is no negative marking. So, an essential part of the strategy is that you should attempt all questions.

Also Read:  How Can TCS NQT Mock Tests Help You Prepare for the Actual Exam?

Step 3: Know the exam cut-off for previous years

The next step is to try last year’s question papers and compare your marks with the cut-off.

The objective here is not to aim for the cut-off marks but to gather knowledge about your strengths and weaknesses. This analysis will help you use your time on precisely the topics you need to concentrate on.

Some Useful Tips And Strategies For TCS NQT 2024

This section includes time management techniques and subject-wise TCS NQT exam strategy as suggested by experts.

Step 1: Form a monthly, weekly, and daily study plan

This is an essential first step for any exam. But, it is more critical for TCS NQT 2023 as you would have limited time. Structure your study plan according to the below-given strategy:


  • Build a month-wise strategy. Plan a few topics you plan to cover monthly, i.e., within the next 30 days.
  • Prepare your next week’s schedule using this 30-day monthly plan. Break the extensive chapters and units into small chunks and assign them to each day of the week.
  • You can also take weekly topic tests and a full marks test on the weekend. You can also keep a specific time of your weekend for revision.
  • Also, make day-wise plans to stay on track and organised.
  • Finally, schedule a specific time for revision beforeĀ the TCS NQT exam and brush up on important topics to perform at your best.

Step 2: Subject-wise tips for the TCS NQT online exam.

Let’s see what your ideal subject-wise strategy should be:

  • Verbal Ability Strategy

This tests your linguistic abilities. Since communication is a major part of a corporate job, verbal ability is a considerable part of the test.

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To prepare for the test, you can make a reading habit for 30-45 minutes daily. You can read the editorial section of English newspapers. They are the best way to prepare for any verbal ability exam.

  • Reasoning Ability Approach

This section is about mental ability and logical skills. This year, it is worth 20 marks. Since there is no negative marking, please attempt all questions.

You can choose a good book from a renowned publisher that covers all the topics of the reasoning syllabus. But do remember not to stick to a question for a long time.

  • Numerical Ability Tactics

The numerical ability section is good news in disguise. It is the scoring section for those who are good at mathematics, but even those who do not like maths much. Hard work and perseverance can help you clear the exam with flying colours.

Make a note to practice quant daily, and you will notice improvement soon enough.

Step 3: Solve mock papers.

The most crucial step is to attempt the two free mock test papers before the examination. This will give you a fair idea of your preparation and boost your confidence.

Super Charge Your Preparation For The Exam

TCS NQT is undoubtedly an opportunity no aspirant wants to miss. Everybody wants to give their best, and CodeQuotient‘s personalised mentorship and guidance programs can help you stand out among them.

For example, our Software Engineering Bootcamp is an online coding internship that sharpens your coding skills and prepares you for aptitude tests and interview skills. You can build an impressive portfolio and be accustomed to project-based learning for maximum impact during your selection procedure. We provide placement assistance as well.

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