
In this fast-paced world, being a mere techie doesn’t cut ice anymore. Demands of employers are getting more focused on practical experience and real-world scenarios, rather than the theoretical background. Upskilling is the name of the game. And CodeQuotient is the answer learners were looking for!

The comprehensive online training can augment the job seekers’ portfolio and the job givers’ outlook towards a candidate. CodeQuotient’s SuperCoders program is free of charges for students, and the best part is they train you to be industry-ready with practical hands-on knowledge and projects under your belt. An even better part is, they help you get placed!

And Devyani Ginnare can vouch for that. Devyani was part of CodeQuotient’s SuperCoders program and upon completion of the course, she got placed at Indus Valley Partners as an Associate Software Engineer – Intern.

This is her story.

Devyani’s SuperCoders Program Journey with CodeQuotient

After graduation, Indore’s Devyani had undertaken a few courses to upskill herself but she was not satisfied. Something was not working out. After she joined CodeQuotient’s SuperCoders program, she could notice a visible change in her approach towards learning. Every step of the 3-month long program was engaging and intense enough to hold her attention.

From the pre-course, the faculty, their one-on-one sessions to the support during the placement, nothing seized to impress her.


Devyani says CodeQuotient hits the nail on the head right from the start; right from the pre-course days. The curriculum is designed in such a way that it instils a sense of seriousness in a learner. The entrance test and interview do their fair bit for the learners by getting them up to speed with the rigours and expectations of the course. It focuses on building a solid foundation by covering the basics thoroughly so that the learners can build a successful career out of them.

Pre-course itself made it clear that it’s not like other online courses. I have earlier taken online Java courses. But the pre-course itself gave me the feeling that it’s a serious course,” says Deyani.

Mentors and their support

The faculty and interaction with them was the highlight,” sums up Devyani. The one-on-one sessions were the best part of the program, she feels. The peace of mind that these sessions provide is a big support. It’s like having a personal guide 24*7 available for you. You may or may not need the guidance but knowing that there is someone who can clear your doubts is a big relief.

One-to-one sessions are the USP. That peace of mind that there is someone who can answer these queries for you. Can help you. Is there for you,” says Devyani.

Advantage: Learning


CodeQuotient’s curriculum is designed in such a way that it helps open up a new dimension of learning. According to her, she has learned about full stack development before but CodeQuotient gave her a different outlook towards the practical aspects of it.

Also Read:  Success Story: How CodeQuotient Helped Gaurav Pathak Land His Dream Job

Coupled with project-based learning and weekly assignments, CodeQuotient gave her a different perspective on development. This, in turn, helped her to become more confident about her abilities. “I’m very satisfied with the whole experience,” she gushes.

“I understand development. I knew development. What I loved the most about the CodeQuotient course was it helped me with a new perspective, how things happen, the practical aspect of it.” – Devyani Ginnare


Unlike other brands on the internet that makes tall claims, CodeQuotient actually delivers on its promise of making learners industry ready and placing them with reputed companies. CodeQuotient partners with multiple prominent universities to train their students and get them placed at tech companies.

On top of that, it’s absolutely free. Devyani landed her dream job and got placed at Indus Valley Partners as an Associate Software Engineer – Intern.

Indus Valley Partners or IVP is a leading provider of technology solutions and services to the finance sector, and their client base includes 25 of the top 50 global hedge funds, managing more than $825 billion of these clients. She is so impressed and inspired with CodeQuotient’s SuperCoders program that she has already referred it to all of her friends. She admits that they were initially reluctant with the things a ‘free’ course promised but seeing her trajectory, they jumped head along.

“We will help with placements. It was not just a statement. CodeQuotient owned it and really helped me get the placement.”

Devyani’s story is an inspiration to many.

As India navigates its way through an IT revolution, the IT industry needs skilled personnel to scale new peaks. On one hand, talented learners suffer due to a lack of guidance and mentorship. CodeQuotient brings in the necessary mentorship to upskill a tech grad to be industry ready and face real-world scenarios.

Also Read:  Barza Amir and Her Success With CodeQuotient

On the other hand, its partnership with industry-leading companies in search of quality personnel makes them uniquely placed to cater to them. It’s a win-win situation and with that kind of support, the sky is the only limit.

Check out CodeQuotient today and be a part of the innovative SuperCoders Program!

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