
HackerRank is a tech company that provides a common platform for programmers and tech companies where people can participate in coding challenges (such as hackathons) or create their own. Most importantly, you can directly land a job from HackerRank if you successfully complete the challenges on its Jobs page. After that comes the interview stage. Usually, HackerRank questions tend to focus largely on problem-solving skills.

Let’s go through 6 problem-solving HackerRank sample questions and answers that can help you perform better in interviews.

Commonly Asked HackerRank Questions and Their Answers

HackerRank interviews have both technical and non-technical questions to evaluate a candidate. Since the people who cleared the coding challenges meet the criteria for technical knowledge, the interviewers majorly focus on other aspects – communication skills, mindset, ethics, etc.

Technical HackerRank Questions


The interviewer may ask you technical interview questions on topics similar to the ones mentioned below.

1. How do you build a palindrome?

One of the most common questions in HackerRank interviews is about building a palindrome. Unless you have a good understanding of strings and dynamic programming, you won’t be able to answer these questions. You need to store the palindromic substrings in a table and use them as building blocks for larger palindromes.

Interviewers love questions about palindromes because they test candidates’ ability to write clean code and their clarity of mind.

2. How do you organise containers of balls?

HackerRank interviewers will often ask you how to arrange coloured balls in various situations.

The answer may depend on the specific situation, as various arrangements may be needed. However, some common structures may include arranging the balls in order of size, colour, alphabetically, or numerically. Additionally, for more complex arrangements, a sorting algorithm could be used to arrange the balls according to the desired criteria.

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Questions regarding organising containers of balls test your understanding of 2D arrays, sorting and iteration. Focus on these areas to be comfortable with such questions in HackerRank interviews.

3. How do you solve a problem in the Subarray Division?

Problems on subarray division can be solved in a few lines of code using the ‘two-pointers technique’. This technique works by having two pointers pointing to the array’s beginning and end, respectively, and then looping through the array. Thus, it is a perfect question to test the depth of a candidate’s coding skills, ability to optimise, and basic mathematical skills.

Software developers benefit from knowing the two-pointer technique, which helps them efficiently solve array problems and more. It’s also a common interview subject that comes up frequently. Preparing for problems on subarray division boosts your chances of cracking HackerRank interviews.

Non-Technical Questions

Non-technical questions often reveal more about a candidate’s mindset and problem-solving process in the work environment than technical questions. Here are some non-technical HackerRank questions and answers to better prepare you for interviews:

4. How will you select a new tool to invest in?

Interviewers ask questions like this to evaluate how a candidate does their research about something. While there is no obvious correct answer to this question, your response should show that you’re good at researching a product or service.

The key factors you must keep in mind while answering this question (or similar questions) are:

  • The problem you’re trying to solve with the tool
  • How credible are the people behind the tool?
  • Alternatives of the tool
  • Cost of the tool
  • Pros and cons of the tool
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Ensure your answer reflects the way you research anything new.

5. How will you tackle a situation where a teammate is bound to miss a deadline?

There are high chances of you or your teammates missing a few deadlines, be it for avoidable or unavoidable circumstances. When an interviewer asks what you’ll do in such situations, they are trying to figure out how you deal with crises and support your team members. Your answer should reflect empathy and a drive to solve challenges on short notice. Like most non-technical questions, the attitude behind the answer is more important than the contents of the answer.

6. Will you break the rules or guidelines for the larger benefit of the company?

Interviewers love questions that put candidates in a tough spot. That’s why interviewers often ask interviewees why the company should not hire them.

When asked whether you’d be willing to break any rule, be diplomatic in your answer. It is best to back your argument with logic and facts without being rigid on either perspective. Questions like these test a candidate’s character, morals, and ethics.

General Tips for HackerRank Questions and Answers

For those of you who wish to go the extra mile, here are some general suggestions for acing your interview:

  • Follow a framework like STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) or SOAR (Situation, Obstacle, Action, Results) to answer problem-solving questions
  • Read the job description thoroughly and understand your job responsibilities
  • Learn about the company – mission and values
  • Work on your speaking skills, either with a friend or in front of a mirror/camera
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Get Ready for HackerRank Interviews With Codequotient

Now that you have an idea of how these HackerRank questions would be, we want you to know that in case you need further help to upskill yourself in terms of your technical skills and soft skills, you should know that…

CodeQuotient offers practical resources for anyone who wants to land a tech job. Whether you’re a learner or a job seeker, our BCA+UGPSE and Software Engineering Bootcamp programs can make you job-ready for the upcoming tech industry. Get in touch with us now to know more about these programs!

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