
Today, most companies have embraced the hybrid work culture owing to the multiple benefits it offers to both the employees and the organisation.

According to a study done by Gartner in 2021, a hybrid approach to work, allowing employees to partly work remotely and in-person mode, will likely become the new norm. Some leading companies across the world, including Microsoft, SAP, Reddit, HubSpot, and others have already announced that they will offer greater flexibility to their employees and lifetime opportunities to work in hybrid or permanently remote settings. This has opened new doors for data engineers to pursue a remote career in data science. But are you comfortable enough working in this job role remotely? To understand this, you must try pursuing remote data science internships.

This article explores the many benefits of a remote or hybrid work opportunity for data scientists along with how you can gain experience in the field, by opting for remote data science internships. But first let’s explore what a career in data science looks like.

What a Career in Data Science Looks Like?

In simple words, a data scientist is an analyst who reads, collects, decodes, manages, and interprets data to help drive decision-making in an organisation. Data scientists have to work with large amounts of data and the role is a combination of a mathematician, scientist, statistician, and computer programmer.

How to Pursue a Remote Career in Data Science?


You might have heard people pursuing a caree in data sciences. But the question here is how to make a remote career in data science? Well, the path is almost the same and that would be to acquire a degree or diploma in data science. But to get a knack of working in this role remotely, a remote data science internship would be really helpful. 

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To acquire the required  qualification in data science, apart from pursuing a degree or diploma,  you can also attend a data science boot camp. Pursuing an online certification course or remote data science internships like one provided by CodeQuotient would equip you with the remote working mode.  Also, later on you can upgrade your qualification to the master’s level.

According to a study by Burtch Works, 91% of data scientists have at least one master’s degree, and 48% have PhDs. Here are some more tips to help you advance further in your career:

1. Work Experience

After you acquire the required qualification to work as a remote data scientist, you need to find a job to get some work experience.

If you are unable to find a job then try applying for remote data science internships. Apart from giving hands-on experience, internships will help you upgrade your resume.

2. Practice Coding Problems

Keep practising coding problems along with working on your resume and personal skills. For any level of data scientist job, you would need to solve a couple of coding questions and then go through a personal interview.

3. Upgrade and Find your Niche

Being a data scientist is the fundamental requirement. One can then gradually make his/her way to becoming a data analyst and then a data engineer. The positions are open in different domains and industries be it fashion, health, education, etc. Once a candidate gains a certain level of experience and becomes more niche specific or gets into a leadership role, his/her responsibilities go beyond physical space. Then one can easily work in a remote working system.

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4. Work on Your Soft Skills

While you are planning to work as a data scientist in a remote working capacity, you need to polish your soft skills. For example, communications skills would play a major role while working remotely for a data scientist, as it would be challenging in this working condition. With better communication skills, you can connect and communicate with your team properly either through emails google meets or phone calls.

Benefits of Building a Remote Career in Data Science

Data science is a field that needs concentration and a peaceful working environment to yield good results. Remote working is suitable for this job role. Let’s explore some of the benefits of working as a data scientist remotely are:

  1. A data scientist’s job demands a lot of concentration which would in turn need them to work in a quiet and comfortable place. According to the American Psychological Association, working from home improves employee productivity, morale, and creativity.
  2. Working remotely as a data scientist would allow you to avoid distractions like office chatters and noises and focus on your work in a better way.
  3. If you are someone who loves being on your own and refrains from indulging yourself  in office politics or gossip then working from home would give you liberty from such things.
  4. It will save you time and energy by avoiding the commute. You would be able to invest that time and energy in your work.
  5. It would offer you greater flexibility and freedom allowing you to manage work on your terms.

The Bottom Line

Post Pandemic companies have become more open to hiring data scientists in a remote or hybrid mode. This helps in cutting down unnecessary costs related to the infrastructure along with getting better productivity from the employees. But before you decide to work as a remote data scientist, try some internships or consulting opportunities with companies that offer remote data scientist positions. This will allow you to understand if this mode of working is suitable for you or not.

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CodeQuotient can also help you in your pursuit as it offers personalised guidance to learners seeking to make a career in the tech field. Through its SuperCoders Program, you can get an idea of the real working environment and challenges as it offers you the learning opportunities through live projects that help you build your portfolio. Its academy acts as a launchpad for your tech career and ensures that you get skills and work experience integrated with industry recognised degrees.

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