
In an era dominated by people and businesses generating massive amounts of data, it is imperative to find data management methods. The role of data engineers who build efficient systems to prepare and manage high-quality data is vital.

To stay relevant and competent in the market, a data engineer must be well-versed with the latest database tools, frameworks, and programming languages, like Structured Query Language (SQL).

A full SQL course can make you a job-ready data engineer. Let’s learn about SQL before getting into the course.

What is SQL?


Structured Query Language is a standard programming language used to communicate with existing databases. It is used to interact with, extract, manage, modify, and organise data stored in relational databases. It is not a database system but a query language that became standard for the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986 and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1987. A full SQL course is very important to get a job in data science or become a data engineer.

What is the Significance of SQL?

Data science and analytics use SQL for the following reasons:

  1. It helps data professionals manipulate the relational database by inserting, updating, and deleting data, especially rows and tables.
  2. SQL is very useful in retrieving data from relational database management systems.
  3. It helps define and describe structured data.
  4. SQL lets users set permissions on data and stored procedures.

How Can a Full SQL Course Help You Become a Successful Data Engineer?  

According to the Stack Overflow Annual Developer Survey 2021, SQL is among the top programming languages, with 47% of responders using it. Since SQL is one of the most widely used programming languages for data management, a data engineer must have a thorough knowledge of it. Here is how a full SQL course can help you become a successful data engineer:

  1. Most big tech companies use SQL: Uber, Netflix, Airbnb, and even Fortune 500 companies use SQL for data management and analyses. Moreover, it is the oldest and most widely used. Most companies want their potential data engineers to be familiar with it or its derivative for data management.
  1. SQL is in high demand among recruiters: Recruiters specifically look for data engineers who have a sound knowledge of SQL. In almost all recruitment or professional networking sites including LinkedIn and Indeed, SQL is the desired skill for recruiters. According to a survey, the keyword appeared in approximately 45.4% of job postings in 2022. If you did a job search for the profile of a data engineer on LinkedIn, you would find most of the hiring companies prefer knowledge of SQL over Python or R skills in the candidates.
  1. SQL is even more important for entry-level jobs: If you are looking for an entry-level position, then chances are that you end up working as a data analyst, for which the knowledge of SQL is crucial. 61% of job posts listed SQl as a desired skill.Also, on Indeed, you would find the demand for SQL 1.7 times more than Python, 2.5 times more than R, 5.8 times more than machine learning, and 22.5 times more than Spark.
  1. SQL is the most preferred programming language for data-related work: For advanced jobs or senior positions in data science and engineering, SQL is the most desired skill. It is the third-most-popular programming language among all professional developers after Javascript and HTML/ CSS.
  1. It will help you work better after recruitment: The benefits of knowing SQL don’t top when you get a good job. It will be extremely helpful to learn the language and upscale your growth chances within the organisation, owing to its wide application in almost all businesses.
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How to Learn SQL? 

You will find numerous courses online to learn SQL. But what you need is a full SQL course that prepares you to work in the real world. The course should give you practical knowledge, allow you to work with real data, prepare you for writing high-level queries, and make you job-ready.

CodeQuotient’s online programming courses can equip you with all the skills you need to become a successful data engineer. Apply today or write to us to know more.

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