
Preparing for an interview can sometimes be overwhelming, but knowing frequently asked C# Interview questions can definitely help.

Even after thorough preparation and practice, it is absolutely normal to feel under confident and nervous. Hence, by going through the C# interview questions mentioned below, you can refresh your knowledge or learn something new quickly.

Interviewers generally start asking questions about the basic foundations of C# and move further to tricky questions. In order to tackle every C# interview question of the recruiter, it is necessary to be well versed in the language.

Best C# Interview Questions


Recruiters want to check your knowledge of fundamentals and whether you will be able to apply this knowledge to solve real-world problems or not. Although, for this very reason, they may twist and turn the questions to check your critical thinking and presence of mind.

To prepare you better, we’ve curated a well-researched list of C# interview questions; they are as follows:

1. What do you mean by an object?

The ‘Object’ is something used to access the method of a particular class and is known as an instance of that class. In order to create an object, we use the ‘New’ command.

2. Is it possible to execute multiple catch blocks?

The simple and straightforward answer is ‘No.’ It is impossible to execute multiple catch blocks in any manner. Upon executing a final catch code, the complete control is sent to the final block. Here, whichever code allows, the final block is finally executed.

3. What do you mean by ‘jagged arrays’?

A Jagged array is an array having type array elements. These elements vary in size and dimensions. Also, a Jagged array is popularly known as the ‘Array of Arrays.’

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4. What do you mean by C#?

Introduced in the year 2002, C# is a programming language created by Anders Hejlsberg. It finds great use in creating websites. With time it advanced to create various applications and fun games.

5. Explain Sterilisation.

A stream of bytes is necessarily made by converting objects in order to make the transport of that object possible over a network. This complete journey of getting a stream of bytes by converting objects has been given the name Sterilisation. The reverse process of the same is called Desterilization.

6. What are ‘constructors’?

The member function (of a class) that possesses the same name as that of its class is known as a constructor.

7. Differentiate between ‘static,’ ‘public,’ and ‘void.’

A static method or variable is easily accessible on a global level with no need for making an instance of the class. However, a static member is not globally accessible by default, but it gives the user some freedom to modify it.

Whereas, a public method or variable is easily accessible throughout any application making it different from a static method. But, a void is completely different from the other two. It is a type modifier telling the user that the variable or method fails to return any value.

8. Briefly describe C# comments along with examples.

There are basically three types of comments in C#. These comments are as follows:

i) Single-line Comment

For Example:

//Here is an instance of single line comment

ii) Multiple-line Comment (/* */)

For Example:

/*This is an example of multiple line comment

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This is line 2

This is last line of the multiple line comment*/

iii. XML Comments (///)

For example:

1./// summary;

/// Set an error message for bilingual language.

/// summary

9. Briefly explain Custom control and user control.

User controls are very easy to create, and they are quite like ASP (Active Server Pages) control files. Its file extension is “ascx.” User controls have individual code-behind files and cannot be used in a toolbox.

On the other hand, custom controls can be efficiently added to the toolbox, web forms, or applications. They are much easier to use than user control since they are generated in the form of compiled code.

10. State some of the common exceptions in .net.

There are a number of exceptions in .net. Some of the most common exceptions are:

  1. OutOfMemoryException
  2. ArgumentOutOfRangeException
  3. OverflowException
  4. StackOverflowException
  5. ArgumentNullException
  6. DivideByZeroException
  7. IOEndOfStreamException

11. What will be the syntax to catch an exception?

Here’s an example of the syntax for catching an exception:

try {



catch (Exception ex) {


You can remove the parameter from the catch statement in the above example.

12. What are Generics in C#?

The use of Generics is fairly vast. They can help in:

  1. Increasing type safety
  2. Creating collection classes
  3. Reducing code redundancy
  4. Improving performance

Generics also promote parameterized types usage. ‘System.Collection,Generic.’ is the namespace given to a Generic collection (when we create a new Generic collection).

13. Describe Method Overloading in your own words.

When we use the same signature with the same name in the same class in order to create multiple methods, also then it is known as Method Overloading. The overload resolution helps the compiler in finalising the exact method to be invoked.

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Check out this link for more C# Interview questions.

Elevate your preparation with Code Quotient

The above C# Interview questions will prepare you for the final interview and get you closer to your dreams. If you want to develop your understanding of C# and gain access to valuable resources, join our SuperCoder program.

This 3-month long LIVE program is curated by experts and covers plenty of topics in the coding world from the very basics to advance. Visit CodeQuotient’s website today and discover new possibilities in the world of coding!

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