
Shubham Singla is a twenty-one-year-old Software Engineer at Capillary Technologies. Hailing from Ambala, Haryana, Shubham had enrolled for B.Sc. in Computer Science after finishing high school and managed to get into a reputed university there. He had a passion for coding and wanted to achieve a job in the IT field.

So, with a dream of becoming an IT professional, he went through an interesting journey of internships and courses to finally succeed. Here’s his story –

College, Internship, and More…

Shubham found that the conventional methods of teaching were quite dated, and it couldn’t suffice his expectations. Since most of his classmates were seeking internship opportunities to enhance their coding and programming skills, Shubham tried to do the same.

Thus started his programming journey. The internship took a lot of time out of his schedule, but it also made him realise that he needed some guidance and improvement in coding. In the hunt to find a proper course for coding and programming, he landed upon CodeQuotient.

He said, “The internship I was doing was very hectic for me, and then I heard about CodeQuotient from my brother, and one of my friends was also placed through CodeQuotient, so I felt a strong sense of confidence about joining, and after that, I left the Internship.”

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Shubham’s Journey with CodeQuotient


He managed to join the SuperCoders Program after clearing the admission process as he was familiar with some basics of coding. He was excited to be groomed as a SuperCoder.

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In just 3 weeks of joining the course, he was overjoyed to have finished the first project on his own! Even though it was basic and simplistic, it gave him confidence.

“I’ve been able to learn and understand everything very clearly through the project-based learning provided by CodeQuotient, and I think it’s extremely important to students today.”

Within 12 weeks, he successfully learned all the aspects of full-stack development and software engineering. During this course, he received in-depth guidance on multiple programming languages. In addition, solving coding challenges on CodeQuotient’s exclusive online coding platform honed his skills and made him job-ready.

The content provided was of very high quality, and it assured him that he could take up real-world coding challenges and be a part of a Tech Team. And he devoted most of the credit to his mentors at CodeQuotient, who had helped him at every turn.

“What I liked most about CodeQuotient was how helpful the mentors were. And Nikhil sir was one of my favourites.”

It was a really good experience for Shubham as he learned a lot from this program, not only about coding but also about himself and how he could improve.

“My personal opinion is that CodeQuotient is the best from the other bootcamps or other learning platforms, because the way they teach us, guide us, and improve our skills, I don’t think anyone else can match.”

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From a SuperCoder to a Software Engineer

Shubham had been a bit anxious about face-to-face interviews. He had to take some time to prepare himself before appearing for a placement interview through CodeQuotient, and they provided him with the training to ace the interview and MCQ tests for placement.

“CodeQuotient helped me find the right path to success.”

For learners like Shubham, the 1:1 placement preparation process provided by CodeQuotient has been very helpful in getting through the selection process.

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Shubham was finally ready to interview for a Software Engineer position after gaining some experience through mock interviews.

He had a decent portfolio (thanks to CodeQuotient), which helped him get noticed in the placement interviews. The recruiters gave more weightage to the projects he had completed as a part of this course.

And that is how Shubham became a Software Engineer at Capillary Technologies.

Also Read: What to Look for When Picking the Best JavaScript Course Online

What Set Him Apart?

Shubham believes that with sheer hard work and the right guidance, anything is possible. When you know your target and have a proper mentor to help you get there, you will certainly succeed.

Shubham said, “This program is definitely the one I will recommend to everyone because I feel that not everyone receives the proper guidance they should receive.”

If you found Shubham’s story inspiring, take a look at what CodeQuotient’s SuperCoders Program has to offer. Bookmark our blog page for more such inspirational stories and the latest tech updates.

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